Sunday, May 29, 2016

Wh - questions

Wh Questions -  The Simple Present Tense

Wh question word (what, when...)  +  do / does  +  Subject (I, you, we...)  +  verb  

Wh Question WordAuxilary VerbSubjectVerbothers
Whatdoesshewatchon TV?
Why doesthe teachersaythat?

Example Sentences: 

"Where" question asks for the place:

  • Where does she live?  --> She lives in NewYork.
  • Where do you meet your friends? --> I meet them at the school.

"What" question asks for information about something:

  • What do you like eating most?  --> I like eating fruits most.
  • What do you read?  --> I read funny books.

"When" question asks for information about time:
  • When do you meet your father? --> I meet him at 9.
  • When does she come home?  --> She comes home late.

"Who" question asks for information about a person:

  • Who do you know here? --> I don't know anybody.
  • Who do you like?  --> I like my friend, Tom.

"Why" question asks for information about reason, explanation:

  • Why does she cry? --> She lost his toy car.
  • Why do we stay here --> It's cheap.
"How" question asks for information about manner, the way to do:
  • How do you come here?--> I come here by bus.
  • How do they get to work --> by train.

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